Why Categories
This Wiki allows you to categorize pages by adding one or more category tags to the text. Adding these tags create links at the bottom of the article which take you to the list of all pages in that category, which makes it easy to browse related articles.
All pages should be categorized! This is essential for the functioning of the wiki and provides additionally some structure and guidance for the users.
How to Add Categories to Articles
To add an article to a category click on the arrow next to "Categorize the article" at the bottom of the editor page.
The following box will open:
The right part of the box shows existing categories, which can be added to the respective article by clicking on the "plus" sign next to the category name.
The left part of the box shows categories which have been added to the article. They can be removed by clicking the "minus" sign next to the category name.
Please note: An article should not have more than 4 to 5 categories (otherwise you should consider splitting up the article into several minor ones).
Linking to Category Pages
To create a link to a category page is the same procedure as linking to another wiki article: Link Articles.
Categorize Files / Pictures /Categories
Other uploaded files like pictures or documents even categories themselves and can be categorized exactly like normal pages. It is useful to connect the article-categories with categories already in place to establish connections and hierarchies. To this end, after saving the article, follow the category links at the end of the page to see, if the category is already in place and if not, categorize them until you connect them with an existing category.