After you have created a new article these guidelines will give all necessary information about the structure, editing and style of your article. This will help energypedia to get a clearer appearance, to become more consistent and easier as well as more intuitive to use.
Don't let doubts about the format be a reason for not publishing good articles!
You can always use the "energypedia sandbox" first, which allows you to try the different functions of the editor: add some headlines, a table or a graph without worrying that you might mess up an existing article!
While writing your articles keep in mind the energypedia "Do's and Don'ts" (10 things you should do and 10 you should not).
You can always ask for support or help:
We are very happy to help and welcome you as an author to the energypedia community.
Article Structure
The “Overview” is a short text introducing the reader to the general topic of your article. This will help the reader to evaluate the article's relevance for him / her. Furthermore, by clearly explaining the subject, the reader will be better prepared for the following details. Background information can be given here as well as relevant definitions of important aspects.
Main Part
The main part includes the specific paragraphs and subparagraphs and if you have also further information.
Paragraphs are used to structure texts and to make it easier for readers to follow the article's argumentation line.
A paragraph comprises several sentences which focus on one idea, argument or aspects.
- Overly long paragraphs can usually be divided into several, shorter subparagraphs, each dealing with different aspects.
The headings automatically appear in the table of contents on top of each article (once there are at least 3 headings).
- When it comes to choosing a headline always try to find a description that focuses on the key aspects of the following paragraph and make it short and significant. If you are using a expression with a common abbreviation you can always add it there.
- When formatting always start with “Heading 1” and go hierarchically down for the subheadings. Subjects with the same hierarchy should have the same hierarchically heading format.
- Before each heading please include a space line and use capital letters in the heading.
- Headings should not be a link at the same time - it is preferred if links are given in the section below the heading.
1 Overview
2 Energy Situation
3 Problem Situation
4 Energy Resources
4.1 Biomass
4.1.1 Biomass Potential and Distribution
4.1.2 Biomass Stoves: Best Practice Case Study
-> For help how to add a heading find more information here.
When articles grow fast they can easily become confusing. This may dount some reader, who are trying to find the wanted information. This is why sometimes it makes sense to create a main page for this headline and link the sub articles to it. The main page would give the general information about the topic and all the other articles can go much more into detail being self contained articles itself as each article on a subtopic should be written as a stand-alone article.
Further Information
If you have any further information to the specific topic this paragraph is the place to list it. However energypedia should not become a link list. Whenever this information can be included into your article this is the better solution.
In order to ensure the quality, confirmability and trust in energypedia's articles we highly encourage all authors to make extensive use of references and footnotes.
Furthermore you might use these footnotes to make minor comments that did not fit in the flow of the main text but are still worthwhile sharing.
In order to ensure a consistent quotation style we encourage you to use the Harvard Citation Style for reference lists, however you are free to use whatever reference style suits you best:
Berkman, R. I. 1994,Find It Fast: How to Uncover Expert Information on Any Subject,HarperPerennial, New York
-> For help how to insert, edit, link references please find more information in the help section "Set References".
Integration Into the Wiki Structure
Links are especially important for other users to get further information on the topic and it's a possibility to keep each article as short and precise as possible as you can "link" to the deeper level of your information instead of cramming it into one huge paragraph and repeating information that has been documented already somewhere else extensively.
Links also help to structure the wiki so that individual articles do not get lost. On energypedia we usualy distinguish between two different types of links:
- Internal Link: The first option here is to link to another article or to link to a particular headline in another or the same article. If you want to link to a document it needs to be uploadedbefore.
- External Link: Gives further information about organizations or articles in the web. Please use the short name (if given) for the link.
According to theWorld Health Organization (WHO) as many as 1.6 million people die each year as a result of it. This can be compared with one death every 20 seconds.
To give your article the last polish don't forget to categorize it.
- You can add one or more category tag to your article.
- Adding these tags creates links at the bottom of the article which lead you to a list of all pages in that category, which makes it easy to browse related articles.
-> For help how to categorize articles please find more information here.