Article Title
The title of the article should be coherent with the theme of the article. Kindly use upper case for the first letters of the main words in the article title. For example , instead of writing "energy source as the article title, please write "Energy Source".
Article Structure
A good article has the following structure:
- Overview or an "Introduction" section
- main part (should be clustered into short Paragraphs)
- Conclusion
- Further Information
- References
- Categories
Article References
In order to ensure the quality of articles on energypedia, we highly encourage all our authors to add relevant references to their articles.
In order to ensure a consistent quotation style we encourage you to use the Harvard Citation Style for reference lists, however you are free to use whatever reference style suits you best.
Berkman, R. I. 1994,Find It Fast: How to Uncover Expert Information on Any Subject,HarperPerennial, New York
-> For help how to insert, edit, link references please find more information in the help section "Set References".
Article Categories
To increase the accessibilty of your articles, don't forget to categorize it. Categories help to consolidate the articles on energypedia into relevant themes.
-> For help how to categorize articles please find more information here.
Article Length
Long articles are not easy to follow and the readers can get easily confused while reading through it. Theforefore, please create short articles on energypedia and in case of a long article, kindly break it into smaller short articles and link to one another.
Integration Into the Wiki Structure
Links are especially important for other users to get further information on the topic and it's a possibility to keep each article as short and precise as possible as you can "link" to the deeper level of your information instead of cramming it into one huge paragraph and repeating information that has been documented already somewhere else extensively.
Links also help to structure the wiki so that individual articles do not get lost. On energypedia we usualy distinguish between two different types of links:
- Internal Link: The first option here is to link to another article or to link to a particular headline in another or the same article. If you want to link to a document it needs to be uploadedbefore.
- External Link: Gives further information about organizations or articles in the web. Please use the short name (if given) for the link.
According to theWorld Health Organization (WHO) as many as 1.6 million people die each year as a result of it. This can be compared with one death every 20 seconds.