Maps are a great way to present information, therefore energypedia offers the possibility to integrate interactive, annotated maps to your article.
- Spice up articles with maps of anywhere in the world.
- Use it as a tool to navigate to articles about certain countries, regions or projects.
How to set a marker for a new site?
- Go to “my preferences”, click editing, an tick “disable rich editor”
- Go to the maps site (e.g. energypedia:Portal:Countries)
- Click edit, then the symbol with the tiny map at the far left
- 4a.Enter the name of the sought place, click “search”, then “add to map” / Find your sought place directly on the map and simply click it. Fill in the boxes if desired and “click safe&close”
- Copy the text from the very bottom of the grey box below and paste it into the white box at the bottom (above </googlemap>)
- Click safe
- The new place now appears on the map
Other ways to find places:
Or here:
- Visit
- Right click on the desired place
- Click what is here
- Click the green arrow and copy the coordinates, e.g. 1.046904, 34.198036
- Go to energypedia´s map site
- Copy the coordinates directly into the white wiki box
- Click safe and your new place will appear clickable on the map
Insert a Photo
- Upload the file
- disable rich editor
- Copy the file name (e.g. File:Raabe Uganda traditional cooking.jpg)
- Go to the page
- Click "Edit" above the map
- Scroll down in the new window
- Now insert the coordinate (e.g. 14.14309833, -16.09813639, NAME)
- Insert following command in the next line :

- Click safe and your new place will appear clickable on the map with the photo
Problems that may occur and how they can be solved:
Coordinates won`t work, place cannot be found
Retype all special characters (they may be wrong)
Place not found
Go to google maps and mark the place there directly (right click, what is here). Copy and paste the provided coordinates
When clicking the maps symbol, nothing happens
click again, and again, ... it should work after three times at the latest
How to use different coloured markers in a map?
Different coloured markers can be useful in numerous cases, for example, to distinguish between current and planned projects. The default marker colour is red. Other available colours are black, brown, green, purple, yellow, grey (note English spelling), orange and white.
Description of procedure
Step 1
Convert your geographical coordinates into GoogleMaps compatibel coordinates following the description above or using one of the websites below:
If the coordinates of your project were, for example, 6º34’40’’N 38º41’50.3’’ E, the converted values would be 6.577778, 38.697306.
Step 2
Insert the converted coordinates into the "Wikitext" of the map followed by the name of the project plus the geographic coordinates.
for current projects
Add 6.577778, 38.697306, name of the hydrosite 6º34’40’’N 38º41’50.3’’ E into the Wikitext
for planned projects
Include (_grey) (or any other colour from the list above) infront of the line that you add. For example, add (_grey) 6.577778, 38.697306, name of the planned project 6º34’40’’N 38º41’50.3’’ E into the Wikitext.